git status 显示太多怎么办?比如很多临时文件,但是又不想加入到 .gitignore 文件中
- 不显示新增文件:
git status --untracked-files=no
- 用tldr工具可以查到一些用法
- 不显示新增文件:
revert 多笔提交,注意merge类型的提交
#!/bin/bash commits=$1 counts=$(git rev-list --count $commits) commits=$(git rev-list $commits) # 逐个回退提交 remain=$counts for commit in $commits; do # 检查是否是合并提交 echo "Reverting commit $commit" if git rev-parse "$commit^2" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # 如果是合并提交,使用 -m 选项 git revert -m 1 $commit -n else # 如果不是合并提交,直接回退 git revert $commit -n fi # 检查回退是否成功 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to revert commit $commit, remain $remain commits" exit 1 fi remain=$((remain - 1)) done # 提交所有回退 git commit -m "Revert the last $counts commits" echo "Successfully reverted the last $counts commits"
git merge-base branch1 branch2
git rev-list --count HEAD ^commit